Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday To Jeff Hardy !!!!!!!!!!!

今天8月31日是我们的彩虹战士——Jeff Hardy的生日 !!!!!!!!!!
以下有几篇粉丝们对你的祝福 :


生日快乐。现在是 12.05 我写下了这篇日记。
亲爱的。今天是你的生日。我记得,今天一过,你就 32 岁了,我不想承认你老了,可是.....


祝我永远的偶像生日快乐 :

我亲爱的偶像,生日快乐。Jeff Hardy,他是一个艺术家,他沉浸在一个重复创作,制作音乐的世界里。还有喷涂。他的房子充满了玩具,艺术品和真人大小的日本手工玻璃雕刻品。而且,这个艺术家还有另一个嗜好,一项不同的艺术--擂台。带着16岁的敢死队挺进WWE,并且几年之后,成为家喻户晓的“极限队”高飞摔跤手。他所向披靡,充满正义,成为无数摔跤迷得偶像,包括我,已经为之发狂。在擂台里面,给人以非凡的印象:高空跳下重创对手和20尺高的梯子。他的信条很简单:去创新,并精益求精。
现在,我要告诉所有人,JEFF 他是一位怎么优秀的选手,一位多么优秀的男人,多么单纯,可爱的大男孩..............七彩JEFF,
金色,金色是永恒,任何一个明星,都只是几年的光景,没有人能一直位于巅峰俯视群雄,JEFF也不例外,特别是他为所有人奉献精彩的方式更加注定了他的运动寿命不会太长,不过 不过 不过,喜欢JEFF的人,喜欢的是他的精神,精神不死,JEFF永恒。
Jeff就是那么随兴,极限,疯狂,乐天,不怕死的小伙子。让我们期待他下一次的精彩高空极限动作吧! 七彩JEFF,杰夫哈迪,彩虹战士,彩虹七色,杰夫七彩。
可是,当我写到这,再也忍不住哭了。JEFF就这样走了......替UT力顶了这么久,带着满身的伤痛走了......为CM铺好了顶级HEEl之路,带着剧情的悲壮和现实好友的感谢走了......作为SD的顶级明星,带着FANS们的眼泪和期待走了...... 是的,伤痛总会好的;剧情总会继续的;期待总会被实现的...... 也许在不久的一天——我们的 彩虹战士...会在一次的飞翔在WWE的天空——对一些该受着的人使用他的“命运之轮”、“圆月弯刀”......

到我了 :

每当看到那绚丽的出场,我的心也为之颤动,震撼,确实让我为之震撼,咚咚-咚咚咚(JEFF出场音乐开始,简直就是我的心跳声)JEFF他那一切的动作,带领着我们进入他的节奏,IT'S MY TIME,THIS IS MY TIME,JEFF提醒我们,要跟上他的节奏了。 准备好,跟他一起飞翔了吗?
当然,JEFF还不忘鼓舞观众们,为他欢呼~ HARDY~ HARDY~
而接着,JEFF进入擂台————他将汗水抛洒的地方,每当JEFF飞上角柱,JEFF告诉我们,他将要飞翔了,FLY。飞跃,就是JEFF的宗旨,与其说JEFF飞翔在天空,倒不如说天空就是属于JEFF的。JEFF利用着天空,利用天空打败一切的对手,因为天空的主人叫---JEFF HARDY
把手握紧,里面什么都没有,把手张开,却得到了一切,不正是这样吗?不须过于执着了。我们有理由相信,等到回来那一天,会是一个崭新的JEFF HARDY
当,你看到CM PUNK在台上横行霸道,你,或许会很欣慰吧,这是你一手捧起的HEEL

Jaguar豹子 JEFF就像是豹子,绝不会放过到手的猎物
Eagle鹰 JEFF就像是鹰,为了自己的目标和理想,翱翔在空中
Fighter战士 JEFF就是战士,为了荣誉而战,哪怕是失败,亦无悔
Falcon猎鹰(注意这个猎字) JEFF就像是猎鹰,在空中盘旋,伺机 给出致命的一击

Hero英雄 JEFF就是英雄,为了观众,为了WWE,他苦苦打拼了16年,无怨无悔
Aardwolf狼 JEFF就像是狼,如果你惹怒了他,他会毫不犹豫的将你撕碎
Radical激进分子 JEFF是上进的,JEFF在不断的学习,争取为观众奉献更好的比赛
Dabster能手 JEFF是个能手,他为WWE刷了N多得票,却不计较得失
Young fogey青年 就目前看,JEFF一直就像个青年,敢于拼搏,个性,都是青年的代名词

Jaunty 有信心的: JEFF有自信战胜每一个对手,所以他敢于拼命
Edge 边缘的: JEFF从不平坦,他喜欢极端的解决问题
Face 正派: 毫无疑问,JEFF很正派
Famous 著名的: 当然,他也很著名

Handsome 英俊的: 他很潇洒
Abiding 永恒的: 他的精神是不朽的
Raging 凶猛的: 对于HEEL,他从不心慈手软,他没有妇人之仁
Dandyish 时髦的: 他很时尚
Youthful 青春的、有活力的: WWE活力的代名词

我想要谢谢Jeff,谢谢他为了摔角带着受伤的背部还在不停地奉献。Jeff曾经带给FANS们的演出都是最无私的。Jeff自己并不认为自己很完美,但是他愿意让孩子们开心,愿意听到大人们喊“Ohh”和“Ahh”,而他的表演绝对是第一流的,我的意思是没人比他更强。Jeff对待FANS总是很尊重,而且大部分的FANS也很尊重他。对于那些自己为是而且不尊重Jeff的人我只能说你们都是伪君子。Jeff让CM Punk成为了一个出色的主赛选手,也许你们能从这里找到对Jeff的尊重。

JEFF 的灵魂永存

生日快乐 JEFF
thank you JEFF HARDY

Jeff Hardy离开WWE了 !!!!!!

Jeff Hardy粉丝对他离开表达的话 :

为CM Punk铺好了顶级HEEl之路,带着剧情的悲壮和现实好友的感谢走了......

我们 的 彩虹战士...会在一次的飞翔在WWE的天空
——对一些该受着的人使用他的''Twist Of Fate'',''Swanton Bomb''..........

贝贝:我喜欢上了WWE。喜欢上了Jeff Hardy。这个人。在我心中。是个传奇人物。他永远都是那么的拼命。即使剩下最后一口气也要拼尽。所以我爱他。疯狂的爱他。极致。为了他。我更要好好的学英语。去美国看他。这是个目标。
8.24.Summer Slam。虽然你输了。但你是完美的。完全是剧情安排。有两次你完全可以拿到WHC的。可是。剧情注定。因为你合约到期。没关系。在我们心中。你是WHC!永远的!
8.28.你最后一次录制SD。还是输了。可是。很明显的剧情。It doesn't matter。因为在我心中。一直为你留着一个位子。挥之不去。一直到你回归的那一天。明白吗?我是你的守护者。一直等待你。
【This is not goodbye forever,this is only goodbye for now.】
请你记住一切。only goodbye for now!!

婷婷:这两天看了JEFF Hardy的所有比赛突然不想他回WWE了。看见他一次次的受伤,一次次的从高空飞下,觉得好心疼。所以希望他好好休息!!!不管他回不回WWE我们都永远支持他,爱他!!!

臸澊♂Jeff:大家看到这时估计也忍不住难受了一下,其实仔细想想也没什么,Jeff的离去并不是坏事,刚开始看WWE时我就喜欢上了Jeff,毕竟Jeff也累了自从1998年登上WWF之后为我们帅迷一直做着一系列的危险华丽的动作,虽然他没有Big Show的力气但是他凭着不可认输的意志和极限的能力,自从来到WWE这个华丽的舞台WWE就没有让Jeff好好的休息,一天到晚的让Jeff打一些危险的比赛,不管是谁也不可能有这么强的抗打性,虽然Jeff的人生路程很坎坷但是他还一直不放弃虽然Jeff拿的大冠军次数很少都是一些双打冠军,洲际冠军,轻量级冠军还拿到过几次硬核冠军,总共拿到WWC和WHC的冠军次数总共加起来才3次,有次只拿到了1秒就被CM PUNK拿走了,我就搞不懂了为什么Jeff一拿到腰带就要到好几场捍卫战,Jeff的仇人也不是很多人也很好,为什么就要和他作对。别人拿到腰带只要1个PPV打一场比赛,最近Jeff拿到WHC之后加上PPV比赛就打了3场,一场比赛之后被偷袭,一场被CM PUNK DQ打伤,还打了场TLC MATCH??Jeff打的TLC冠军赛是1998年后进入WWE打的最多的TLC MATCH了,Hardy BOYZ也是打TLC出名的大家也知道,在这我祝愿Jeff能早日回归WWE早点拿回属于他的冠军,好好养伤为我们带来更极限的动作。

Matt Hardy :我会想念我兄弟的,比你们想象的更加想念。他不仅仅是我血缘上的兄弟,同时他也是我在这个世界上最好的朋友。当我们在一起的时候,我们是不可分离的。当我们分开的时候,我们又超乎寻常地亲近。不仅仅是我想念他,想念他的还有WWE,SD,更衣室的兄弟姐妹们,他的朋友,还有全世界的FANS。我想要谢谢Jeff,谢谢他为了摔角带着受伤的背部还在不停地奉献。Jeff曾经带给FANS们的演出都是最无私的。Jeff自己并不认为自己很完美,但是他愿意让孩子们开心,愿意听到大人们喊“Ohh”和“Ahh”,而他的表演绝对是第一流的,我的意思是没人比他更强。Jeff对待FANS总是很尊重,而且大部分的FANS也很尊重他。对于那些自己为是而且不尊重Jeff的人我只能说你们都是伪君子。Jeff让CM Punk成为了一个出色的主赛选手,也许你们能从这里找到对Jeff的尊重。Jeff的后背有两处椎间盘脱出,而且饱受下肢不宁综合症(Restless Leg Syndrome)的折磨,这让他晚上很难入睡,而且他的脖子也是伤痕累累。他确实需要一些时间来治疗他精神上和肉体上的伤痛。虽然这是多么地另人失望,但是看看Jeff说的什么:“这不是永别,而只是暂别”(Jeff在SD上的告别宣言)我要感谢那些从第一天开始就支持我跟Jeff的FANS,当时我们只是两个刚进入WWE大舞台的菜鸟。没有人,我的意思是没有任何一个人认为我们会达到今天这个地位,会为摔角做出如此大的贡献。上帝保佑你Jeff!谢谢你一直支持我的事业。为表示对你的敬意,我觉得我必须更上一层楼,在SD达到一个新的高度。我会尽我全力拼搏,尤其是现在我刚刚从伤病中恢复过来。也就是说,现在我要成为我命中注定的角色,世界重量级冠军。引用一句话:“努力拼搏,争取会当凌绝顶。坚持不懈,直到一览众山小。”(“Make it, to the top of Mt. Profession.. Rule it, ’til you feel there’s nothing more for you to do or say”)--Matt Hardy

现在到我了,Jeff 希望你能在这段时间内好好地休息,养好身体,等到时机成熟来个闪电复出让你的粉丝们为你喊破喉咙。我会想念你的Extreme,你的离开虽然只是暂时的,但你的离开让TLC match,Ladder match,Table match,Steel Cage match.........消失。但等到你回归,它们又回来了 !!!!! 我想再次看到你对摔跤的热诚,你的不认输,你的High-Fly动作..........希望你能尽量早点回来拿回你的World Heavyweight Champions !!!!! 加油 Jeff !!!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Man United 2 Arsenal 1

So frustrated, in fact, he was sent to the stands after kicking a water bottle.

Arsene Wenger was frustrated after Arsenal's injury-time effort was ruled out for offside.

Dimitar Berbatov came on after 85 minutes.

The Old Trafford crowd could barely contain their excitement.

And it was Rooney who equalised for United from the penalty spot

After a quiet first half, Wayne Rooney sparked into life in the second period.

Darren Fletcher also did his fair share of work in the heart of midfield.

Ryan Giggs saw plenty of the ball against the Gunners.

The only way to stop Nani on this occasion was to upend the Portuguese winger.

Patrice Evra looked dangerous all afternoon down the left flank.

The Russian was more than a little pleased with his strike.

Andrey Arshavin gave Arsenal the lead on 40 minutes.

Rooney and Carrick celebrate the goals

United came from a goal down to beat Arsenal 2-1 at Old Trafford on Saturday and keep pace with league leaders Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur.

The victory – gained via a Wayne Rooney penalty and an Abou Diaby own goal – means Sir Alex’s men sit three points behind the London clubs in third place.
Rooney’s goal was his fourth in as many league games this season and restored parity after Andrey Arshavin had earlier given the Gunners the lead with a ferocious strike from distance. But United rallied, equalised and then took the lead just five minutes later when Diaby headed into his own net.
The Reds began the match with only seven of the 11 that started in last Saturday’s 5-0 win at Wigan. At the back, John O’Shea and Wes Brown came in for Gary Neville and Jonny Evans, while Sir Alex’s three-man midfield – Darren Fletcher, Ryan Giggs and Michael Carrick – meant Paul Scholes had to settle for a spot on the bench. Wayne Rooney spearheaded the Reds’ attack, with Antonio Valencia and Nani flanking the Englishman.
And after an early spell of Arsenal possession, it was Rooney who fashioned United’s first chance, chipping cleverly over the Gunners’ defence to find Fletcher inside the area. The ball didn’t quite drop for the Scot, however, and his volley flashed over the bar.
Sir Alex's men soon settled and Valencia and Nani saw plenty of the ball. Indeed, it was from wide areas United looked most threatening, especially down Arsenal’s right side. Alexandre Song must have realised the same thing and did his best to curtail Valencia’s involvement with a crude challenge on 23 minutes before Arsenal almost took the lead through Robin van Persie and then Arshavin.
From certain angles it looked like Rooney had put the Reds in front on 33 minutes but his free-kick, which left Arsenal goalkeeper Manuel Almunia rooted to the spot, actually curled agonisingly wide of the right-hand post. Chances from open play were few and far between, with both teams uncharacteristically misplacing passes in midfield.
Hardly a classic encounter, then, although the game did spark into life on 40 minutes when Arshavin found space 25 yards from goal, looked up and lashed a blistering right-footed shot goalwards. Foster got both hands to the ball but the pace of the strike proved too much and the Gunners rocketed into the lead.
Nemanja Vidic wasted a chance to equalise on the stroke of half-time when he scuffed an effort from close range, so it was Arsene Wenger who was the happier manager as the teams trotted down the tunnel at the break.
Sir Alex can’t have been too displeased with the performance, as United – like Arsenal – emerged for the second period with the same starting XI. Things almost got worse for the Reds, though – only Foster’s sharp reflexes prevented van Persie from doubling the visitors' advantage. It could have so easily been 2-0, and again a minute later when Emmanuel Eboue’s poor first touch let him down at the far post.
Sloppy passing continued to plague the Reds… until Ryan Giggs threaded an inviting pass into the penalty area from just inside the Arsenal half. Rooney reached the ball slightly ahead of Gunners goalkeeper Almunia, whose momentum brought down the England striker for a penalty. The Reds’ no.10 – after declining the chance to score from the spot at Burnley earlier this season – stepped up himself to slot home calmly from 12 yards and silence the visitors’ hitherto vocal support.
Sensationally, United were ahead five minutes later, and in the most bizarre fashion. A wide free-kick from Ryan Giggs appeared to pose no danger as it arrived into the area, yet Abou Diaby inexplicably headed past Almunia and into his own net. It was as welcome a gift as Old Trafford has seen for some time, especially given how close Arsenal came to extending their lead just after the break. But you have to take your chances in football and sometimes, as United discovered today, a little bit of luck can make all the difference.
The Gunners rarely threatened after Diaby’s clanger, while United could have gone further ahead in the closing minutes through Dimitar Berbatov and Nani.The Bulgarian will no doubt claim he was the unlucky victim of an untimely bobble. Nani, however, blazed over from eight yards after testing Almunia with a strong initial shot.
There was a late scare for United fans in the sixth minute of injury time when Robin van Persie found the net but the referee's assistant correctly ruled William Gallas had been offside in the build-up. The decision infuriated Arsene Wenger, who was subsequently sent to the stands for his protests. His comical attempts to leave the dugout was the icing on the cake for United fans, who left the ground with smiles as big as the Stretford End.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Euro Champions League Group Stages Full Draw

Group A -
Bayern Munich, Juventus, Bordeaux, Maccabi Haifa

Group B -
Manchester United, CSKA Moscow, Besiktas, Wolfsburg

Group C -
AC Milan, Real Madrid, Marseille, FC Zurich

Group D -
Chelsea, FC Porto, Atletico Madrid, APOEL Nicosia

Group E -
Liverpool, Lyon, Fiorentina, Debreceni

Group F -
Barcelona, Inter Milan, Dinamo Kiev, Rubin Kazan

Group G -
Sevilla, Rangers, Stuttgart, Unirea Urziceni

Group H -
Arsenal, AZ Alkmaar, Olympiakos, Standard Liege

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A long n boring holidays

Ah !!!!!!!! So boring !!!!!!!! Wat a long n boring holidays,i at home nth to do leh.Jus morning tuition back when afternoon go to tuition again so boring !!! While i sign in MSN,there r many ppl on9 but i have nth chat wif them leh,i wan chat wif them about football or World Wrestling Entertainment(WWE) but thy don't noe bcoz they some r girls leh.So lame...........

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Result

Kanasai,teacher has give our some exam subject result alwas make me pensa.Oh My God !!!!!!!! Sejarah 13.5/30,Wat The F**k , Bahasa Malaysia only 13/30 ma de,Science only get 20.5/30 but in my heart i think i can get 24 or 25 !!!!! I hate B.M,Sejarah and Science.Our class Science teacher r ''Puan'' Rosnida Ramly go to die lah !!!!!! Jus scold the ppl who score 25 and under,say wat: the ppl under 25 copy answer when doing exercise and the ppl who 25 and above r do by themself.Wat the !!!!!! And say us no respect she and say our class like PA,PE,PC so noisy.And say she c us like this ''Sangat Sakit Hati'',Nah !!!!!!!!!!
Ok say back to my exam result,my English and B.C get 27/30 and Math get 28/30.Unluckily my some exam reult make me so despair.And when holiday end,back to school teachers will give back Geografi,P.M,Sivik,K.H.B.............

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wigan 0 Manchester United 5

Wayne Rooney is joined by Nani and Patrice Evra in celebrating the third goal

Wayne Rooney celebrates his opening goal - and hundredth United strike - at Wigan
Wayne Rooney rises to head home Antonio Valencia's cross, breaking the deadlock and putting him in United's 100 Club

Rooney wheels away in delight after breaking the deadlock, while a deflated Chris Kirkland looks on
Dimitar Berbatov craftily lobs the ball over Latics goalkeeper Chris Kirkland

Berba finishes the job by acrobatically volleying home the loose ball for his first goal of the season

The Bulgarian wheels away in animated scenes, having all-but secured the victory

Substitute Michael Owen sends an unerring finish past Kirkland for his first United goal

Owen delights in breaking his duck for the Reds, joining the travelling support to celebrate

Nani celebrates rounding off the scoring with a 25-yard free kick in suitably spectacular style

United returned to winning ways in style as Wayne Rooney reached and passed a century of United goals, while Dimitar Berbatov, Michael Owen - with his maiden Reds strike - and Nani sealed a handsome victory at the DW Stadium.
An end-to-end first half failed to yield any goals, but a glut of second half strikes sealed a 10th successive victory over Wigan - with the undoubted highlight coming as substitute Owen got off the mark with a sublime finish as United reacted positively to Wednesday's shock defeat at Burnley.
After the lacklustre reverse at Turf Moor, Sir Alex Ferguson sought to freshen his side with seven changes of personnel, drafting in Gary Neville and Nemanja Vidic for their first appearances of the season, and putting together a completely new midfield four of Nani, Darren Fletcher, Paul Scholes and former Latic Antonio Valencia. Berbatov replaced Owen as Rooney’s strike partner.
It immediately became apparent that there was more zip and purpose in United than there had been at Turf Moor. Only an heroic goal-line block from Titus Bramble prevented Darren Fletcher from turning home Nani’s neat pull-back after just four minutes.
It took only another four minutes for another good opening to come and go. Fletcher was again involved, slipping the ball through for Berbatov, and the Bulgarian instantly teed up Scholes with a delightful back-heel, only for the veteran midfielder to fire over from just inside the area.
Rooney then chanced his arm twice in a minute, hitting the target with one while the other was deflected wide, but Wigan grew in stature as the half reached its midway point. Vidic and Patrice
Evra had to be alert to make blocks deep inside their own box, and Ben Foster was forced into a full-length diving save from a curling Jason Koumas effort.
A long ball from Jonny Evans released Rooney through the centre, but his powerful low shot was well saved by Chris Kirkland. Although there was far greater menace in United than there had been three days earlier, the failing was the same – missed chances.
Bramble performed more heroics in the latter stages of the half, deflecting a Rooney effort wide and making a superb challenge to rob Berbatov, ensuring that an entertaining first half had ended goalless. Within 15 minutes of the restart, however, the game was buried.
Valencia, whose reception from his former fans had switched from respectful applause to ceaseless catcalls after a clash with Maynor Figueroa, played a huge part. The Ecuadorian steered a superb cross into the box, where Rooney was waiting to powerfully head United into the lead.
Relief reigned for the 5,000 travelling supporters, who were quickly cheering events at the opposite end as Foster made a superb back-pedalling save from Hugo Rodallega's looping header. It proved a pivotal moment, as United's lead was doubled within a minute.
Neat interplay ended with Scholes lobbing a delightful ball over Wigan's backline for Berbatov, who craftily nicked the ball over Kirkland and completed the finish from close range. The contest seemed over, and three points were sealed by United's third goal.
Another wave of United attack culminated in Rooney picking the ball up on the left edge of the area. He cut inside, looking for an opening, but required a large slice offortune as his shot took a heavy deflection off Mario Melchiot and spun inside Kirkland's near post.
Game safe, Sir Alex opted to ring the changes again - sending on Owen, Darron Gibson and John O'Shea for Rooney, Scholes and Jonny Evans - and with four minutes remaining Owen notched his first United goal in style. The England international raced onto Nani's through-ball and sent an unerring left-footed effort in off Kirkland's far post.
United's delighted away support hailed their new hero with some gentle ribbing about his affiliation with former club Liverpool, and the upbeat mood was further lifted in injury-time as Nani, a pest all afternoon for the hosts, curled a 25-yard free kick over the wall and past the motionless Kirkland.



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday to Macheda a itailian striker in Manchester United,August 22 2009 is his birthday .He is a man jus 18 years old,he come from a poor family,his father work hard to give he to study in Lazio soccer school.
Federico Macheda became an instant Old Trafford hero when he scored a stunning injury-time winner on his debut against Aston Villa in April 2009.Aged just 17, the young Italian told MUTV it was "the best day of my life". But while that goal heralded Macheda's arrival on the biggest stage, his prowess in front of goal has been apparent ever since he arrived at United in September 2007. Indeed, just six days before his Villa winner, the boy they call "Kiko" netted a hat-trick for the Reserves in a thrilling 3-3 draw at St James' Park.Formerly a member of Lazio's youth system, Macheda signed professional forms on 22 August 2008. A powerful forward with a natural eye for goal, he was born in Rome and is regarded in Italy as one of the most promising prospects of his generation.Having relocated to England to further his career, Macheda has quickly moved up the ranks at United. He started out in Paul McGuinness' Under-18s side, but has become a regular in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's Reserves.He began the 2008/09 campaign with a fine goalscoring run in the youth team and quickly translated that to Reserve team football.
在足球学院的第一个赛季,他已经证明自己是一名出色的射手。 出色的滞空能力,外加上对进球的强烈渴望,他确实具备无穷的潜力。

Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson can't hide his excitement over the potential of Kiko Macheda.
Ferguson said: “He’s a strong one all right.
“He’s built like a bloody American middleweight with fantastic upper body strength.
“He’s brave, tall, tough and the boy has certainly got a chance.”
All Manchester United's fans will know this hero,a man that called Federico Macheda.So all of fans give a kind name ''Kiko'' to Macheda.
Let us said ''Happy Birthday day '' to our hero,his name r call Federico ''Kiko" Macheda !!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Day !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Woo !!!!!!!!!!!

WooWooWooWooWooWoo..............Exam has end !!!!!!!! So happy,because holiday also coming soon !!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha...........Can play computer,Ps2,PSP,seeing movie and seeing football match.So happy and relax !!!!!!! Hope holiday fastily come........Wait Wait Wait,when holiday have end must right back to school leh !!!!!!! And also will give our exam paper back,I ''no eye to c'' my result. Hope i have a all subjects can passed lah !!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Exam has coming true

Wat The !!!!!!!!! Today,exam has coming but now i playing computer leh !!!!!!!! But my Sejarah really very poor,no pass leh !!!!!!!! So sad T_T
I don't wan have exam in 1K bcoz my beside ppl so ugly i almoz wan to...........vomit.Y beside me not a beautiful girl is a ugly ppl almoz like a pig !!!!!!!! sadness
While i hate exam but i also wan to complete the exam and have a good result.
Hope all of us have a excellent result in this time exam. Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009


This pic is who leh???Isn't the ppl in this pic so ugly,hahahahahaha...........
I give u guess is hu,if u know this ppl.Plz send a message to 019-5738918

Thursday, August 06, 2009

United 2 Valencia 0

Second half goals from Wayne Rooney and Tom Cleverley gave United victory in an entertaining friendly against Valencia.
Deubtant Antonio Valencia played a major role in both goals as United's wingplay overpowered the visitors, who enjoyed their own opportunities in an open game littered with chances.
Michael Owen, also making his Old Trafford bow as a United player, was desperately unfortunate not to find himself on the scoresheet, as he passed up a pair of chances in each half.
While the finishing was off-key, there was much to admire in Owen's movement and, crucially, his link-up with England team-mate Rooney.
Fielded together for the first time at club level, it took under 20 minutes for the duo to click in devastating fashion. Rooney's superb slide-rule pass released Owen, who stabbed his effort neatly over Cesar Sanchez, but also just past the upright.
Rooney dragged perhaps an easier chance wide when he reached a cross from Ritchie De Laet, before Michel thundered a shot against Ben Foster's crossbar for the visitors.
Valencia used the interval to make 10 substitutions, and were quickly cursing that decision as Thiago Carleto limped off within minutes of his introduction. Substitute goalkeeper Miguel Angel Moya eventually replaced him, but by that point United had moved ahead.
Valencia, who had caught the eye more for his ceaseless hassling down the right flank before the break, sped past two defenders and curled in a superb cross which Rooney powered past Sanchez.
Two minutes later, the Ecuadorian seized on a woeful backpass but was challenged by Carlos Marchena. As the ball ran loose, Owen latched onto it and hammered a left-footed shot goalwards, but watched it sped past the upright. Following on from another spurned opportunity, which he curled wide moments before Rooney's opener, it made for a frustrating evening for the former Newcastle striker.
Owen was among a glut of substiutions midway through the second half, making way for Kiko Macheda. The Italian was involved from the off, and almost poked in another cross from the impressive Valencia on 72 minutes. The ball ran free, however, and it was another substitute - Cleverley - who shifted it away from the crowd and tucked home a neat finish.
Game over, but United continued to forge openings. Darron Gibson came closest with a pair of stunning efforts. Firstly, his 20-yard effort from Macheda's pull-back cracked against the angle of post and crossbar, then Sanchez was forced into an excellent one-handed save from the Irishman's fizzing 25-yarder.
All in all, a highly satisfying night's work for Sir Alex's squad. A sterner test of their progress will be provided by Carlo Ancelotti's Chelsea in Sunday's Community Shield, but the pre-season signs augur well so far.



Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Edwin misses season's start

The Reds have been dealt a blow ahead of the new season after United confirmed that Edwin van der Sar has been sidelined for the start of the 2009/10 campaign.The 38-year-old Dutch goalkeeper has this week undergone surgery on a broken finger and bone in his left hand, and will be out for up to eight weeks.
Van der Sar suffered the injury saving a penalty from Danijel Pranjic in United's 7-6 shoot-out defeat to Bayern Munich in the pre-season Audi Cup tournament in Germany.
The prognosis means that van der Sar won't be back to full fitness until the end of September, and therefore unlikely to be available for selection till either the Arsenal match on Saturday 29 August, or against Tottenham Hotspur a fortnight later after the international break.
It is frustrating news for Sir Alex, especially as van der Sar was so important to United's defensive solidarity last season. However, Ben Foster signed a new contract in July and Sir Alex said at the time that "[he] is seen as one of the best young goalkeepers in England and we genuinely see him as a successor to Edwin."
This could be the opening Foster has waited so patiently for, although Tomasz Kuszczak will also see this as an opportunity to prove his worth. Sir Alex's selection will be an interesting one for Wednesday's friendly against Valencia and at Wembley this weekend against Chelsea in the Community Shield.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Time Is Now(John Cena)

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off
My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
The franchise, doin big bid'ness, I live this
It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished
A soldier, and I stay under you fightin
Plus I'm stormin on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
Ain't no way you breakin me kid, I'm harder than nails
Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail
I'm slaughterin stale, competition, I got the whole block wishin
they could run with my division but they gone fishin -
- with no bait, kid your boy hold weight
I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
you'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass DOWN for the three second TAN

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

Yeah, uhh
It's gon' be what it's gon' be
Five pounds of courage buddy, bass tint pants with a gold T
Uhh - it's a war dance and victory step
A raw stance is a gift, when you insist it's my rep
John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so
And talk about the bread you make but don't know the recipe
for dough though
Aimin guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
When this pop, you'll liplock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
See what happens when the ice age melt
You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
I rock a timepiece by Benny if any
The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all
condemn me
A man's measured by the way that he thinks
Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
I spent 20 plus years seekin knowledge of self
So for now Marc Predka's livin live for wealth

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

No More Words(my favourite song)By Jeff Hardy

I got a sharp stick, I keep in my pocket
I speak volumes never utter a word
When you strike a match, a fire will happen
But the line between the smoke and the flames get blured
Don't you see the writing on the wall(Don't you see the writing on the wall)
You're in way over your head
You're gonna drown in the things that you said
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are faint to me
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
And all your words are too big to take
It's a paradox, A mystery, A riddle
A door in your face and only I have the key
Do understand, you'll be caught in the middle
Caught in a web by being spun by me
Don't you see the writing on the wall (Don't you see the writing on the wall)
Just a victum of your own conceit
The architect of your own defeat
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are ment faint to me
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
And all your words are too big to take
Never walk away from a fight that's worth fighting
Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act
Never waste your words on a fool you won't listen
Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it... back
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are faint to me
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
And all your words are too big to take
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are faint to me
Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

About me and Manchester United

Hi to all guys,I am a boy that call Hu Xiang Yuen,studying in 1k and I always c foootball at any time.My favourite team is Manchester United.This team is the strongest team in this Earth,the coach of this team is Sir Alex Ferguson,a man hu now 68 years old.If u 1 to know more things about me or Manchester United.Pls follow my blog "MacHeDa World"